Soil organic carbon stocks are the amount of organic carbon found in soil. There are several common ways of measuring these stocks. Until now they were all believed to give pretty much the same results. New research shows not all tools give the same results.
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Field history matters when trying to apply the optimal amount of nitrogen for sweet potato crops. Cover crops grown in the same plots prior to sweet potato crops affected how much nitrogen was needed.
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One of the essential nutrients for vigorous crop production is nitrogen. Yet most routine tests done in commercial soil testing labs do not measure available nitrogen in the soil. Soil scientists think they have found a solution.
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Aloe Vera, a popular cactus-like succulent, is one of the most useful medicinal plants and is very easy to grow. Continue reading → The post Aloe Vera: Growing, Propagation, Medicinal Uses... Click on link to read more...
Source: TheBigBlogOfGardening Tweet
Growing a garden in an urban landscape is possible — you just need to know what planting zone you’re in. and which plants are best suited for your area. Continue reading → The post 6 Tips... Click on link to read more...
Source: TheBigBlogOfGardening Tweet
How much fertilizer you should add to your vegetable garden depends on the soil's natural fertility, the amount of organic matter in the soil, the type of fertilizer being added and the crop being... Click on link to read more...
Source: TheBigBlogOfGardening Tweet
Weed management can be a tough challenge in organic cropping systems since growers don't have herbicides in their weed control arsenal. New research, though, shows that weather conditions and well-timed cultural management techniques can help fill the void by making crops more competitive.
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Online, there are 1 million-plus recommendations on using coffee grounds in your garden to repel cats, boost soil nutrients and bacteria, attract earthworms, kill slugs, prevent weeds, aerate soil... Click on link to read more...
Source: TheBigBlogOfGardening Tweet