Organic foods remain an area of growth even with the rising cost of grocery items and tougher economic times. Turns out organic cooking is really not that complicated once you know a few basics. In fact, it’s way easier and healthier.
Foods certified as organic must be produced using growing methods that minimize soil erosion and that maintain or enhance the fertility of the soil. Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones, must be fed organic feed and have access to the outdoors.
Buy Green
All of the green products you need are available at Buy Green. You will find environmentally friendly products, including bamboo clothing, green home environmental products including natural organic products and solar powered products, just to name a few. Read More >>
Earth Wave Living
From providing a solar panel system for your home, to long term food storage, to storing and pumping your own water, to hand cranked solar radios, to kitchen appliances and products, to gardening products and seeds, to emergency preparedness medical first aid kits, nearly all aspects of self sufficient living can be found through our store. Read More >>
Eat Cleaner
Your food has likely been sprayed, waxed, touched by at least 20 different sets of hands, and has traveled 1500 miles before it reaches your plate. EAT CLEANER is the only all-natural, lab-tested line of food vegetable,fruit wash and wipes for fresh produce, seafood and poultry that cleans bacteria, surface contaminants, pesticide residue and wax that water can't. Read More >>
Non Hybrid Seeds
Non-Hybrid or Open-Pollinated seeds allow the gardener to collect seeds from a crop for future planting. Hybrid seeds do not. All Heirloom Organics Seed Packs are 100% Non-Hybrid AND Non-GMO (genetically modified) and specially sealed for long term storage. Use now AND save for emergency. Read More >>
Rodale Institute
The Rodale Institute outreaches to farmers throughout North America and the world to promote economically viable sustainable farming techniques that benefit human health and the environment. Read More >>
Click here to see more recommended products from Living Organic.