Be Green And Save Some Green With Home Water Conservation!
Saving on water consumption should be one of the things that households should focus on. Water is one of the most taken-for-granted resources that is taken for granted. When we make an effort in cutting down on our water consumption we are helping out with two very important things: caring for the environment and cutting down on our costs.
Here are some ways that you can cut down on your water usage:
1). Reuse Grey Water
Grey Water is used water that comes from the house (except from the toilet). Grey water can be a good source of water during times of drought or when water is hard to come by. When it is used properly grey water can be used for home water conservation.
2). Water Saving Shower Heads
Using water saving shower heads as well as other water efficient appliances can also help out in lessening water consumption. Since most of the time, the water that we waste is the water that we do not notice; one of the most effective ways that we can cut down on water consumption is to eliminate all the unnecessary wastage.
Water shaving shower heads are just one of them there are a lot more water efficient appliances that you can purchase and use around the house. Lessening the amount of water that we use in flushing our toilet is another way that we can cut down on water consumption (you might be surprised at just how much water is flushed down the toilet), Sure there is an initial investment when buying such items but the amount that they save for you in the long run is pretty much worth it.
3). Using Rain Barrels
A practice done since the ancient times, collecting and saving rain water for a non-rainy day is another great way to save up on water consumption. A lot of rainwater simply goes to waste. Just look at all the rainwater falling on your roof and see where it goes – down the drain, that’s where. When you have barrels available where you can store rain water, you’ll soon understand the benefits of saving all that rainwater and putting it to good use.
4). Divert Rain Water to Your Gardens
Aside from using barrels to store rainwater, there are also alternative ways to divert all that unused rainwater.
Dry Wells
One suggestion is to divert your gutter downspout to release rainwater into a dry well, which is a small pit placed a couple of feet from your house or building. Dry wells are good at releasing the collected rainwater into the soil slowly.
Grassy Swales
Grassy swales are low areas of grassy land where water can settle and collect. Water collecting in grassy swales is slowly released into the ground, giving the soil and the other plants nearby more time to absorb the rain water. This also gives other animals and insects a temporary habitat.
Rain Garden
Function like grassy swales with the only difference that rain gardens are planted with native plants to add interest to the area. Unlike lawns, rain gardens are planted primarily planted with the aim of collecting rain water and using rain water to nourish the plants.

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