No Better Time To Be Self-Sufficient With Your Urban Homestead
Right now, one of the best upgrades that you can do with your home and your lifestyle is to be self-sufficient. Time to make sure that you leave as little footprint in the environment and help protect Mother Nature. After all, what better place to start doing something good for the environment than in your very own home.
What To Do To Be Self-Sufficient On Your Urban Homestead
1). Grow Your Own Food
Growing your own garden doesn’t just provide you with fresh produce, it also keeps your dinner table free of genetically modified food. Aside from keeping you healthy, it also helps protect the environment. If you’re doing organic gardening, you won’t be using harmful chemicals in growing your produce.
2). Store and Preserve Food
So what are you going to do now with all the stuff that you harvested? You can preserve your food by canning or dehydrating your surplus fruits and vegetables. By preserving your food, you are saving energy because rather than storing all of these in a freezer, you are extending the storage life of your produce through canning or hydrating.
3). Raise Small Animals
With enough space, you can even raise some animals. Animals like chickens, rabbits and goats can easily be raised if you have the space. They are also quick to multiply so you’ll have enough poultry and rabbit meat for your own consumption. Raising goats can also provide you with fresh milk, which you can also use to make your own cheese. It takes a little more of your time and will require investing at first, but the rewards are worth it.
Of course, it helps to have a suitably-sized yard where you can do what you need to do without having to disturb other people or be disturbed. Having the right amount of space will make sure that you can work in comfort and relative ease. However, if you lack the space but still want to be self-sufficient, to a degree, you can always practice the above-mentioned suggestions in a smaller scale. Make a smaller organic garden, raise just a handful of animals or can only a small batch of fruits and vegetables.
Earn Money While Being Self-Sufficient On Your Urban Homestead
Another thing that you can benefit from on your urban homestead when you try to be self-sufficient is that you can earn money from it. If you decide to sell your extra produce or animals, rather than keep them for your own consumption, you can end up making extra cash.
Trade Goods Locally
The thing is, more an more people are trying to wean themselves from non-organic products, which is why there is a constant and growing demand for organic produce. Look for farmers markets in your area or reach out to other people who might be interested in your products.
Sell Online
Chances are there are also people who will be interested to buy your products online. Whether you’re selling preserved fruits, rabbit meat, or fresh produce, there’s no reason why potential customers can’t reach you online.

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The 'Organic Survey Results' ebook contains direct information relevant to everyone interest in an organic lifestyle. Wondering if you're the only one growing an organic garden? Who all cooks organic meals at home? These are only a couple things that were asked in order to create the 'Organic Survey Results' ebook.