Why Start Composting – The Real Dirt On Composting
When it comes to composting dirt is king, figuratively speaking of course. After all, compost is made up of once-living material and plant remains, which have been broken down and decomposed into the crumbly, earthy substance that plants love. So why should you start your own composting project?
Benefits When You Start Composting
1). Create Healthy Soil
When you start your compost pit you’re making healthy soil and replenishing important nutrients that would normally have been left inert and unused had these biodegradable material found themselves trapped under tons of garbage in the landfills. Because you’re speeding up the decomposition of these once-living material, you are freeing trapped nutrients.
2). Helps the Environment
Any way that you can recycle is a lot of help in the environment. By aiding in the segregation of trash and in speeding up the process of decomposition of biodegradable material, you are doing your part in keeping our environment healthy.
3). Saves Space
With more and more garbage piling up in the landfills, it’s going to be harder and harder to allot sufficient spaces for landfills. When you start your own compost heap, you are helping in taking care of the environment by conserving valuable space.
Different Ways to Start Composting
Outdoor composting comes in two types: Piles and bins. Piles are free and are easy to maintain. However, since they are left out in the open, piles can be disturbed by the wind or by passing animals, which in turn will result in additional work for you. Bins, on the other hand, are self-contained and keep the animals out, but they are somewhat expensive.
Indoor composting is possible because of the different composting systems available which effectively keep the waste material in bins and containers for easy processing. There are many different types of bins and there are some good ones which are perfect for small, indoor spaces. These bins effectively keep the compost contained and the smell minimized.
Another great way of making compost is with worms. Because they can be of any size, worm farms can also be either for outdoor or indoor. You make outdoor farms by introducing worms into your outdoor compost piles. While with indoor worm compost making, you keep the worms in the containers.
What happens is that the worms feed on your kitchen scraps (when they’re indoors) or other biodegradable materials (when you are growing your worm farm outdoors) and the worms poop or produce castings, which makes for great plant fertilizer. You have to take care of the worms though, making sure that they are comfortable inside the bins, if you’re using that technique to make worm compost.
Composting is great for you if you have a garden or some potted plants. Because they aren’t that difficult to make, everyone is advices to start composting. Not only does it keep your garden healthy, it also helps out with making sure that the environment is safe.

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