How About Eating 5 Powerful Organic Foods That Can Help You Avoid Sniffles In Winter
January 12th, 2012 | Posted by in Organic Food | Organic HealthMost health experts claim that organic food is natural and pure. It is also highly nutritious and it has a superior taste. This winter, do not be a victim of cold and the plethora of viruses roaming around your playgroups, classrooms and public transportation. However, make sure that you eat five powerful organic foods that will help you boost your immune system. The top of the list is reserved by none other than Broccoli, which is high in nutrition as well as dietary fibers. Garlic, clementines, sweet potatoes and kales follow it. All these foods have extremely high and copious amounts of vitamin C in them. You should also know that these vegetables could be easily available in winter, so, do not forget to try these organic foods in your salad
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